13 Autumn Book Recs + My Fall TBR

It is that time again. 

The leaves are turning yellow, there's a brisk bite to the air, Starbuck's is finally selling PSLs again, and I have a sudden urge to layer myself in sweaters and fall books.

It's Spooky Season baby.

Because Autumn is undeniably the best season (don't fight me), I want to share my favorite book recommendations for the season as well as the books I am planning on reading for the next few months. Technically, the official start of fall isn't for another 15 days but I'm impatient and I started celebrating late August.

When this time rolls around, I start my own search for books with that perfect blend of cozy, spooky, and all things autumn vibe. Unfortunately, I’m a scaredy-cat so all the horror and creepy novels that peek their heads out of the graveyards this time of year are not an option for me. *sheepish grin* I tried reading a "not very scary" horror last year and absolutely hated it. So I am going to stay in my lane and share some books that I think have that right amount of magic, atmosphere, and a dash of spooky for your To Be Read pile. I'll also be sharing what's on my TBR as well!

Autumn Book Recommendations:

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson

A human artist makes the mistake of painting the autumn faerie lord with mortal sorrow in his eyes. But that’s just the beginning of this gorgeous road-trip-esque journey through the world of faeries. 

Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks

This is literally the cutest graphic novel I’ve ever read filled with harvest fun, fall-ish food, and budding romance. 

My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

A comedic and paranormal retelling of Jane Eyre full of ghosts and a certain writer named Charlotte Bronte - a perfect spooky read that’s not frightening.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

4 different Londons, a peculiar coat with many sides, dark magic and portals and high stakes and amazing characters. Seriously, you need to read this book. (Also it’s set in October.)

Olivia Twist by Lorie Langdon 

Not only is this a sort of Oliver Twist retelling, it is also a historical fiction full of secrets and swoon-worthy romance that gives off the perfect cozy fall vibe.

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson

This is probably one of the spookiest recs I have on this list but it’s SO good!! It’s a Victorian fantasy full of libraries and sorcerers and monster books and a random demon servant who can turn into a cat. I adore this book so much.

Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

This classic fantasy is full of characters who have escaped their books through dangerous reading magic. I think this is a perfect cozy read for this season. (The Inkworld series is one of my favorites!!)

To Best the Boys by Mary Weber

This one isn’t set in the fall (from what I remember) but it has strong spooky dark academia vibes to me. Not only is there a large labyrinth of puzzles and clues but there is also poison and cadavers. So fun times all around! ;)


Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

The Gunpowder plot of November 1605 + color powers + a mysterious stone plague + Nadine Brandes amazing writing = a book you should read this autumn.

The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

This atmospheric novel is full of heart and angst and an annual man-eating water horse race every November. This isn’t a fast paced book but it’s still so intense and beautiful.

Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia
This campy thriller has been haunting me since I read it last year. A girl is framed for arson and must track down the real killer. Small town vibes, family drama, and lots of ghosts. This is the perfect spooky read!

A Treason of Thorns by Laura E. Weymouth

A girl is finally reunited with her magical House after her father commits treason. But she slowly learns that she can only choose between the dying House or her childhood friend she loves. Y’all the ANGST. Go read it!!! 

A Song Beyond Walls by S. Escobar
A young man moves into an old house and discovers a ghost who still lives there can become human for one night every year. This gothic romance novelette is the perfect read for an autumn night.

Books I Want to Read This Autumn*:

*Disclaimer: I’m a mood reader so I will read whatever I feel like and often it's not what's on my planned TBR. I may read all of these... I may read none of these... You'll notice that some of these books were on my fall TBR for last year. So there may be no hope for me.

This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab 

Monsters have taken over the city and they can steal souls with a single strain music. A monster and a monster hunter must choose to be heroes or villains to save their home. HECK YES.

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

Mr. de Winters brings home a new wife and she has to live in the haunting shadow of his dead first wife. One of my friends recommended this book to me and I really love it so far. Very spooky…

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norell

I don’t know alot about this book but I do know it’s a historical fiction fantasy set in England during the Napoleonic wars and there are also faeries, so I’m sold.

Bone Gap by Laura Ruby

A missing girl in a midwestern town full of gaps and a boy who can’t remember faces? Sign me up.

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Someone said this book is like Cinderella meets Knives Out with deadly relatives and lots of money at stake and I am all here for it. 

A Secret History by Donna Tartt

Student questions moral ethics and end up in a downward spiral…This is the book that is always on the list for dark academia stories. I will probably borrow it from the library since the trigger warning list is long and I’m not 100% sure if I’ll love it haha!

Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson

Not going to lie, I bought this book solely because of the author. But I hear that this book promises nuns, death, and betrayal.

Vicious by V.E. Schwab

Friends to rivals to enemies in a school setting but with superpowers… Very dark academia and I am super curious how it all plays out.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

A scientist gives life to a being he created but it happens to be hideous and chaos ensues. This is another book that I’ve been wanting to read and it’s shorter than the average classic.

Ferryman by Claire McFall

A girl dies in a train wreck and must cross the barren and dangerous wasteland of the afterlife with a Ferryman - a boy who she’s starting to fall in love with. This sounds SO GOOD!

Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë

It's classic gothic lit, baby, why not? It also sounds super dramatic so I’m all in.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

I have been dying to read this historical fiction for years. It sounds amazing and dark and sad and full of hope so wish me luck. (Though I may be putting this off since I know I’m going to cry reading it…)

Well, that’s all it for today! Did you find any new books? Have you read any of these yet? What’s on your fall TBR? I’d love to hear :)

Until next time!

~ K.J. Haakenson


  1. Great selection of books. Will have to try some of these this Autumn.

  2. We've definitely got similar taste when it comes to autumn books! I don't like spooky/scary books either and I also tried a "not too scary" horror last year and it freaked me out so much within the first couple of chapters that I had to DNF haha! You've got great picks lined up for your fall reads (I hope you love Vicious)! And I'm loving your top choices that you've already read as well :)


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