Towering TBR (Part: June)

We are officially halfway through the year and guess what?! I'm also officially halfway through my physical TBR!! Welcome to the June edition of Towering TBR! If you are unfamiliar, check out my biggest reading challenge yet here. But you are in the know, keep reading, and let's get started!

Starting TBR Count: 35
TBR Reads: 0
Rereads: 2
Library Reads: 4
Books Purchased: 1
Books Gifted: 0
Final TBR Count: 32
Total TBR Books Checked Off This Year: 34


Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry - DNF'd 
Peter and the Shadow Thieves by Dave Barry - DNF'd
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon by Dave Barry - DNF'd
I tried to get through the first few chapters of this series. But although it has been recommended to me in the past, it felt more juvenile and less magical than I hoped.

Gifted Reads:

Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross - 5 stars
Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross - 5 stars
This duology was AMAZING! I swear I am the last person to pick these books up, but I am so glad I did! They were gorgeous and intense, grounded and magical, and above all, so memorable. Definitely one of the best duologies I've ever read.


Cinder by Marissa Meyer - 4.5 stars
I'm rereading the Lunar Chronicles this summer and Cinder was so much fun!! I still remembered so many of the details as I was reading even though it's been 5 years, but this is definitely one of my favorite Cinderella retellings.

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer - 5 stars
Book 2 of the Lunar Chronicles really picks up the pace and raises the stakes! I loved the twists and turns of the plot and I was definitely kicking my little feet over Scarlet and Wolf this time.

Library Reads:

A Masterpiece for Bess by Kiki Thorpe - 4 stars
A fantastic book for all artists learning to make boundaries. This story is delightful and very relatable!

Prilla and the Butterfly Lie by Kitty Richards - 5 stars
A little tale about people pleasing and burnout, this seemingly silly adventure hits hard with colorful butterflies and the loveable Prilla.

Tink, North of Neverland by Lara Bergen - 4 stars
Ah, Tink. What an icon, what a temper. In an attempt to make up for a fight, she goes on a reckless journey to salvage a friendship. Old friends make an appearance which makes it very fun!

Beck Beyond the Sea by Kimberly Morris - 5 stars
Beck ventures on a fantastic journey outside of Pixie Hollow to where no other fairy has dared to go. This story has it all: beautiful scenery, exciting adventure, lots of heart, and a major Vidia cameo.

Purchased Books:

Blue Graffiti by Calahan Skogman - preorder for 8/13/24
I've been reading Calahan Skogman's prose on Instagram for a while now and knew I just had to read his fiction. I have a feeling this novel is going to be absolutely breathtaking and I'm so excited.

June Thoughts:
It was a much different reading month than I anticipated. I've been reading slowly and have definitely lost some momentum for this reading challenge. However, I still managed to complete half of my physical TBR by the year's halfway point! I totally understand that completing the TBR I started the year with is strictly a personal goal and I'm completely fine with ending the year with a few books left. But I realized I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to get it done. I want to continue to have fun so I need to stop the self-pressure and let this be the hobby it is. Not sure what exactly that means but I don't need to have it all figured out.

Best part of this reading month was having so many 4 and 5 star reads! I feel like I'm learning my tastes better with every DNF haha! Plus, it was so fun to be able to order a book even if it doesn't ship until mid-August. I am hoping to read more books off my physical shelf vs. new or library reads next month even if it's a little! Stay tuned!

Until next time!
~K.J. Haakenson
