Towering TBR (Part: May)

May was miles long and took exactly one blink to get through. But it's time for Towering TBR again! (Here's what is going on if you are new!) I would love to say that I finished a whole bunch of books off my TBR this month but it took a slightly different turn...

Time for May's monthly stats!

 Starting TBR Count: 42
TBR Reads: 0
Rereads: 0
Library Reads: 5
Book Buying Credits: 0 
Books Purchased: 0
Books Gifted: 3
Final TBR Count: 35
Total TBR Books Checked Off This Year: 31

You read that right. Zero TBR reads. Seven TBR DNFs. Five Library reads. It's been a little crazy over here so let's get into it!

Going into May, I was aware that there were a handful of books I've been avoiding like the plague. Books I bought or received for free that I was highly uncertain about. Instead of letting them cow me into submission, I decided to tackle them head-on and DNF like a crazy woman. Enter, the first DNF lighting round of 2024.

The Camel Bookmobile by Masha Hamilton - DNF'd at 15 pages
Got for free at a library sale and I can see why. The disgusting and unnecessary descriptions of violence made me run to read other reviews and it didn't sound like many people enjoyed this book for a wide variety of reasons.

The Lost Queen by Signe Pike - DNF'd at 12 pages
This could be a solid pick for someone else! I'm not super into historical fiction epics right now and I was getting bored very early on. And given that this is only book 1, I knew it wasn't for me.

Gunslinger Girl by Lyndsay Ely - DNF'd at 100 pages
This one was a tough decision. I received this book as an ARC way back in 2017 and I was really enjoying the dystopian cowboy vibes. However, due to content and the impending dystopian revolution trope, I didn't feel comfortable recommending the book nor did I feel like I'd rate it higher than a 3 star. 

Dream a Little Dream by Kerstin Gier - DNF'd at 20 pages
I really loved "Castle in the Clouds" by the same author, but it didn't take long to realize that this fanfiction-esque, "not like other girls" type, high-school paranormal story was not for me.

North! Or Be Eaten by Andrew Peterson - DNF'd at 15% (for now)
The Monster in the Hollows by Andrew Peterson - DNF'd
The Warden and the Wolf King by Andrew Peterson - DNF'd
So many people have recommended this series to me, however, I just couldn't seem to get into them. I am keeping these books for my little brother and I may enjoy reading these in the future, but I decided to DNF the series for now.

Library Reads:
The Trouble with Tink by Kiki Thorpe - 5 stars
What a way to start a series! The dilemma in this one was so well done and the themes around closure were beautiful.

Lily's Pesky Plant Kirsten Larsen - 4 stars
This one was so cute and so springy! I loved the friendship grown (pun intended) as the fairies solved their plant problems!

Emily Wilde's Map to the Otherlands by Heather Fawcett - 4.75 stars rounded up
How is it possible to beat the 1st book?? I adored the setting and plot of this one. It was cozy and intriguing and all around such a great read!!

Rani in the Mermaid Lagoon by Lisa Papademetriou - 5 stars
Rani MY GIRL! This story feels so personal to me, and I love the themes of identity woven throughout her adventure.

Fira and the Full Moon by Gail Herman - 3 stars
My least favorite in the series so far due to annoying side characters and slow plot, but it was still an enjoyable story about asking for help!

Gifted Books:
Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater - 5 stars
I was gifted this book by my little brother and I immediately had to read it! I buddy-read it over a weekend with @dear_feely and had the best time. It's cozy, it's sweet, and it's so fun!!

Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater - To be read!
My sweet friend, @dear_feely, sent this book to me during a really hard week and I am so excited to read the next installment of Olivia Atwater's cozy faerie books!

Star Wars: The Living Force by John Jackson Miller - To be read!
My grandparents gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card and this is what I picked out! I have been eyeing this book for WEEKS and it's a perfect read for Space Girl Summer.

May Thoughts:
This past month's reading was not at all how I planned it, but it was a ton of fun regardless! Trying books I was avoiding and letting myself DNF in a quick time frame was really nice. It took some courage to DNF so aggressively (what if was going to be a favorite book?), but honestly, I know my reading tastes pretty well by now ;) All the books I did read were all fairy books and I was absolutely THRIVING. Disney fairy books, cozy fantasy faerie books, cozy historical fantasy faerie books, I love every single one! I am almost halfway through my physical TBR and I'm so excited!! I'm hoping I don't lose momentum, but it's okay if I do. I still have 7 months to complete the challenge!

Until next time!
~ K.J. Haakenson
