5 Reasons to Read the Shades of Magic Series

These books saved me last year. 

Back in late October, my family went through a really rough season and I retreated into books as much as I could. I discovered this trilogy about portal travel, magic, and Londons, absolutely fell in love. I devoured the first book "A Darker Shade of Magic" and quickly picked up the next books as well ("A Gathering of Shadows" and "A Conjuring of Light"). These books gave me a little glimmer of light in the dark and the characters showed me that I was strong enough to live through grief and pain. Although they aren't perfect, this series will always have a little piece of my heart.

The "Shades of Magic" series is one of my favorites and I'm here to convince you to read them too ;)

(Quick side note for those who aren't comfortable with more mature content. These books are New Adult so there is heavier language, quite a bit more violence, slightly more in depth romantic scenes, and darker themes than a typical YA book. If you're cool with all that, you will adore this series!!)

1. Four. Different. Londons. With. Magic.

This is actually what sold me on this series. My dream travel location is London, England, PLUS I adore historical fantasy. It's a win-win situation for me.

2. You Will Fall in Love with All the Characters 

I love books with big casts and this series is no exception. Every character is flawed but wonderful and I was so invested the entire series to find out if they would all make it. There's a magician who is afraid of his power, a pickpocket who just wants an adventure, a pirate who is running from love, and a prince who dreams of being extraordinary. And I love them all.


Every time I thought the stakes couldn't get any bigger, they did. Whether it involved magic or betrayal or secrets, this series kept me reading late into the night every time.

4. Pirates + Elemental Magic + Political Intrigue + Knives

The entire vibe and aesthetic of this series is immaculate! Although I wouldn't survive very long, I would love to live in these books xD

5. V.E. Schwab is an Absolute Magician with Words

I felt like I was watching a masterpiece of a movie as I read. The way the author frames sentences and describes things is absolutely phenomenal. The books are written in 3rd person omniscient so you understand each character but Schwab never lets you know too much before it's time, keeping you on the edge of your seat the whole way. 

Also if you need one more reason to read this series, here is the iconic first line:

"Kell wore a peculiar coat."

If that's not enough to convince you, I don't know what is. ;)

Have you read this series? If so, what do you think of it? 

Until next time!

~K.J. Haakenson


  1. I've not read this series but you've got me wanting to. Sorry to hear you went through a hard time but happy you found a good book to escape into.


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