10 Book Recs Based on Olympic Mascots

Yeah, you read that right.

I'm recommending books based on Olympic mascots.

Little known fact about me: I don't like sports but I am a sucker for the Olympics. Ever since I was 6, I remember being obsessed with where the next Olympics were going to be held, what the opening ceremonies were going to include, and what the mascots looked like. The opening ceremony for the 2020  Summer Olympics in Tokyo was just last Friday and the games are off so I thought why not combine two of my loves together? Books and Olympic Mascots.

So that's how I got here and I'm actually really excited xD

Please take a moment to appreciate my best shot at recreating the Olympic rings with books… thank you ;)

Waldi - 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich

 “Geekerella” by Ashley Poston

This mascot features a colorful wiener dog and so does this contemporary Cinderella retelling!

Vucko - 1984 Winter Olympics in Sarajevo

“My Calamity Jane” by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows

This book centers around werewolves in the Wild West very similar to this fierce mascot.

Haakon and Kristin - 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer 

“Sky in the Deep” by Adrienne Young

This Viking standalone full of action and heart is a perfect match for these Norwegian children mascots.

Athena and Phevos - 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens

“Lovely War” by Julie Berry

Since these mascots are inspired by Greek gods, I knew this book filled with Greek gods trying to tell stories of love in the midst of WWI was perfect.

Neve and Gliz - 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin

"Splinters of Scarlet" by Emily Bain Murphy

The icy duo is a perfect match for this winter historical fantasy that’s full of sibling love.

The Fuwa - 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing

“Fawkes” by Nadine Brandes

Each Fuwa represents an elements: water, forest, earth, sky, and fire. In this historical fantasy, the magic system centers around the ability to wield different elements depending on color!

Miga and Quatchi - 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver 

“The Scorpio Races” by Maggie Stiefvater 

Both these mascots are inspired by the fauna and folktales of Canada so I feel like this quiet story about dangerous water horses set in a tiny northern island is perfect.

Wenlock - 2012 Summer Olympics in London

“Cinder” by Marissa Meyer

That year’s Olymics had a robot at the forefront and so does this sci-if fairytale retelling of Cinderella.

Vinicius and Tom - 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio De Janeiro

“Woven in Moonlight” and “Written in Starlight” by Isabel Ibanez

With the rainforest design of these characters, I immediately thought of Isabel IbaƱez’s two Bolivian inspired fantasies.

Miraitowa - 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo

“Dangerous” by Shannon Hale

This year’s mascot has superpowers which is why I think this action-packed superhero story is a good fit.

I hope you enjoyed this fun list of book recommendations! Which is your favorite Olympic mascot? Are you watching the events this year? What are your favorite sports to watch? I love watching synchronized swimming and gymnastics.

Until next time!

~ K.J. Haakenson


  1. I'm not sure I even realized the Olympics had a new mascot each time. LOL I love this idea for a post. You did a great job with the Cinder match.


    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read! <3

  2. Okay, so maybe this is crazy, but I had no clue that the Olympics had mascots?! And they're so cute too! Where do you notice them during the games? Because usually I just see the rings! One way or another, I love your creativity with this post and the way you matched the mascots with the books. So clever, friend!

    1. I’m starting to realize a lot of people don’t know about the mascots so I’m glad I can spread the word xD I think I typically see the mascots during the opening ceremonies or on TV graphics. But I usually look them up on the official Olympic website way before hand haha! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! <3

  3. This concept is so incredible! I haven't seen these mascots before and I love how you matched them. Plus it was a great reminder that I need to read Sky in the Deep still!

    1. Thank you so much!! I had a ton of fun putting it together so I’m happy you enjoyed it! Yes and Sky in the Deep is so good :D

  4. Replies
    1. Ahh it’s excellent!! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it!


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