Get to Know the Fantasy Reader Book Tag

I mainly read one genre. Sure I’ll dabble in this and try a hint of that, but I will always come back to my favorite: fantasy. What I love about this genre is that it isn’t always fairies and far away lands, it can be pirates or monsters or swords or anything you want!

When I saw Stephanie at The Espresso Edition do this tag, I knew right away that I wanted to join in the fun! The original tag was created by Falling for Romance and if you want to join in as well, go right ahead. ;)

What is your fantasy origin story? (The first fantasy you read) 

My mom read a lot to me as a kid and sadly, I didn't read a ton of fantasy at the time. But we did listen to lots of audiobooks while driving. My favorites were the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis as well as The Kingdom Series and The Knights of Arrethtrae series by Chuck Black. All of those audios really opened my imagination to fantasy and started a long lasting obsession with the genre.

If you could be the hero/heroine in a fantasy novel, who would be the author, and what’s one trope you’d insist be in the story?

I would try to convince Margaret Rogerson to write me into her books because they are always so magical with an artistic twist and a healthy dash of romance. I would definitely ask for the found family trope and maybe even a corruption arc because dang that's always so cool.

What is a fantasy series you've read this year that you want more people to read?

I recently discovered Leigh Bardugo’s this year and although I am way behind on the trend, I really do think people should pick up the Shadow and Bone trilogy. They are classic YA (so a little tropey) but man are they addictive reads. Leigh Bardugo has continued to write in the world she created so it’s a ton of fun to be able to stay in the Grishaverse as long as possible. (Plus, the Shadow and Bone TV show on Netflix is to die for, so go read the book before you watch!)

What is your favorite fantasy subgenre?

Historical fantasy hands down. I read a ton of historical fiction as a kid and started migrating towards fantasy in middle school. Then in high school, I discovered historical fantasy and it's now my favorite! I love that blend between the realistic and the magical. 

What subgenre have you not read much from?

I don't read much high fantasy or anything that ties too closely with sci-fi. I typically find those book confusing so I get bored easily. 

Who is one of your auto-buy fantasy authors?

Although she has only written two fantasy novels, I will buy absolutely anything Nadine Brandes writes. I had the pleasure of meeting her a few years ago and she was a total delight. My favorite of her books is Fawkes which is a historical fantasy novel based of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 but with color magic!! 

How do you typically find fantasy recommendations? (Goodreads, Youtube, Podcasts, Instagram.)

Since I am apart of Bookstagram, I mainly find new fantasy recommendations from Instagram. Occasionally, I’ll find new books on Goodreads but I typically use that platform for keeping track of books I have read.

What is an upcoming fantasy release you’re excited for?

The two top books that come to mind are “Verpertine” by Margaret Rogerson (which is a paranormal fantasy with nuns) and “A Magic Steeped in Poison” by Judy Lin (which involves a deadly and magical tea making competition.) I mean, look at those covers!!! 


What is one misconception about fantasy you would like to lay to rest?

Not all fantasy is faeries and magic schools or written in medieval settings. Fantasy can be written in any setting and time with all types of characters and unique plots. I’ve read traditional fantasy with knights and magic, but I have also read fantasy with monsters and WWI tech and another with vigilantes and magical yarn animals so all is valid in the genre.

If someone had never read a fantasy before and asked you to recommend the first 3 books that come to mind as places to start, what would those recommendations be?

I would definitely recommend “Inheart” by Cornelia Funke (an excellent bookish classic), “Splinters of Scarlet” by Emily Bain Murphy (an enchanting historical fantasy standalone), and “The False Prince” by Jennifer A. Nielsen (a medieval fantasy trilogy with a unreliable narrator).  

Who is the most recent fantasy reading content creator you came across that you’d like to shoutout?

I’d honestly love to shoutout Stephanie @TheEspressoEdition again!! She has convinced me many times to read fantasy books I had either never heard of (like Into the Heartless Wood) or helped me push through ones I wasn’t sure I’d like but ended up adoring like (like Shadow and Bone)! Her bookstagram and blog is so cozy and always full of amazing fantasy book recs. Go check her out if you haven’t already! :D

I wish that I could keep recommending fantasy books but that’s the end of the tag! I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it! Do you like fantasy? If so, what are some of your favorites to recommend?

Until next time!

~ K.J. Haakenson

P.S. For those long-time fantasy readers who may have read most of the books listed above, I would recommend “The Ten Thousand Doors of January” by Alix E. Harrow, “Into the Heartless Wood” by Joanna Ruth Meyer, and “Sorcery of Thorns” by Margaret Rogerson!


  1. I always find book tags fun to read. They're a great way of discovering new books.

  2. The Ten Thousand Doors of January is one that I'm curious about. I'm not a HUGE fantasy fan in general, but I have definitely found many that I've enjoyed over the years so I guess I like it here and there! hah


  3. Waaahhh you're gonna make me cry! I'm so glad you enjoyed doing this tag and it was such fun to read - then I get to the end and just *wipes tears away* you're the sweetest!!! I'm so glad that bookstagram brought us together :) And I love that I just found a bunch of new fantasy books to read, thanks to this post! You rock for that! Sending many virtual hugs your way, friend.


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