10 Tips for Beginning Bookstagrammers

On May 27th, I will be celebrating my Bookstaversary! 3 years ago, my best friend convinced me to start an Instagram for books and I never looked back. I have so enjoyed sharing the love of books over Bookstagram with so many other readers and writers across the world. In 2018, I started with 6 followers but now it’s 2021 and I just hit 800 followers. I am so thankful for everyone who has joined me on this journey! Here’s to another year *raises cup of tea* 

But there are many things I wish I knew about having a bookstagram account before I dived in.

If you have ever considered starting a Bookstagram or you already have one and are looking for some tips, today’s blog post is for you! When I started my account, I dug deep into the recesses of the internet to find the right way to run a Bookstagram. What I didn’t know was that there isn’t *one* right way to do it. Only you can make your account the way you want it. BUT here are some tips that will apply to everyone that I wished I knew when I started my Bookstagram!

1. Lighting in pictures is crucial!! (Find a big window if you need - I currently use our back patio glass door)

2. Hashtags are not evil USE THEM (they will help you find and reach your audience)

3. Yes, there are mean or sketchy people on Instagram so use caution when sharing information BUT THE BOOKSTAGRAM COMMUNITY ARE ABSOLUTE GEMS!! (also you can block whoever you want so go at it babes)

4. Post whenever the heck you want and feel free to experiment ... it's your account!! Don’t feel pressured to make your account one way or another.

5. You can post about books you've never read, in fact your caption doesn't even need to be about the book. Many other readers and bookstagrammers have a large pile of unread books so you’re in good company ;)

6. Ask questions up front in your captions! It's not some evil marketing scheme, it honestly just gives your followers something to chat with you about. 

7. Engagement is more important than “likes”. Focus on the small group of people who care about and enjoy your content. The group might change and evolve but you’ll find them!

8. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. (Trust me on this one) Yes, I run a blog and bookstagram as a platform for my writing but it’s also a hobby I enjoy. If I take the fun out of it, what’s the point?

9. Post your thoughts, your writing, whatever you want. you don't have to bare your soul but authenticity is the key to enjoy this platform.

10. Other accounts are just as happy and thrilled when you like and comment SO GO INTERACT WITH OTHER ACCOUNTS TOO!

I hope these were helpful or at least entertaining xD 

What do you wish you would have known when you started *your* bookstagram? Let me know down in the comments!

Until next time!

~ K.J. Haakenson


  1. I love these suggestions! I also found that captions can have nothing to do with the picture! I'm kind of a new bookstagrammer actually so these tips are definitely helpful.

  2. I’ve been on bookstagram for three years and I am totally addicted. These are some great tips!

  3. Happy bookstaversary! That's so exciting. I celebrated one year in January and it was thrilling. Bookstagram is such an amazing platform and I'm really glad that I joined :) I've been working in social media management and blogging for almost 6 years now, so I have a bit of a different (probably more "business") perspective when it comes to my tips BUT I think you've got some amazing ones here for sure! They're definitely things I've tried to utilize in my own account! :)


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