When Your Creative Well is Dry

I’m not going to lie. My creative well has been getting lower and lower for the past few months. 

I don’t know if it’s this whole 1 year of a pandemic or just things going on in life. But trying to balance life, work, reading, bookstagram, this blog, and writing has been creatively draining. Now don’t get me wrong, I love all those creative things but lately, I’ve felt like I’ve been doing it “because I have to” or to keep being successful in this area of my life. But I don’t want my creative endeavors to be constantly draining. Sure, it’s hard work but I’d rather it to be enjoyable and refreshing.

This week, I am stepping back and reevaluating how I can recharge and make creating fun and safe again. If you have have been feeling the same way as me, let me start of by saying I'm sorry. *hugs* This season has been a rough go for all creatives. 

Secondly, I've compiled five things to try when we feel this way as well as three things I am planning to do to simplify my creative obligations. So take a deep breath with me and come find some ways to refill and keep our creative wells in good condition.

1. Get Outside

Taking a long walks in nature, having a picnic, riding a bike, and swinging on a playground are all great things to do. Not only are you getting outside and interacting with life fully, you are also adding movement into your day. I find getting outside and into the sunlight helps my mind relax and do a sort of mental restart. There have been days where I am so stuck in my own head that the only thing that really helps is a little fresh air.

2. Listen to Classical Music

I don't know what it is about classical music, but I always find it beautiful and inspiring. I don't tend to write to classical - I'm more of a movie soundtrack girl - but when I need something in the background to inspire or refresh me, classical music is always a good choice. Some scientific benefits of listening to classical music are reduced stress and anxiety as well as better memory and focus so give it a shot! Some of my favorite pieces are Thaïs: Meditation, The Nutcracker Op. 71, and Adagio for Strings.

3. Take Care of Yourself

Us writers can get so caught up in our own stories and worlds that we forget that there is a whole world around us that we can live in. Make yourself your favorite food, paint your nails a color that makes you happy, take a bubble bath, drink your water, journal your thoughts, buy yourself flowers, cloud watch at a park, etc. All these things - big or small - can help you slow down and take care of your body and mind. Whether you need people time, alone time, or something in between, don’t forget to listen to what you need. Take care of yourself, writers, the world needs you.

4. Watch a Comfort Movie

Comfort movies aren't just favorite movies but also those that bring a warm feeling to our hearts when we watch them. Watching the movies or shows that we love can make us feel safe, help recharge us, and make us feel like ourselves again. Taking in other kinds of media helps us engage in more stories so that we can create our own as well. So snuggle in with a big cup of tea, fluffy blanket, favorite movie snacks, and pop in that movie. Some of my comfort movies and TV shows are Cinderella (2015), Zootopia, Gilmore Girls, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmeron, Pride and Prejudice (2005), and the Hobbit movies.

5. Discover a Hobby 

Writing and reading are both hobbies of mine that require my brain's full attention. Things like crocheting, painting, and crafting are things I can do on the side that help me recharge creatively. Working with my hands in some way helps my brain take a break but also use it in a different way. Maybe you want to try pottery or knitting, jewelry making or weaving, building LEGOs or cooking. Anything hands-on is helpful to us writers and readers who are constantly in our own heads. It also gives you something to be proud of that isn’t tied to your writing. Trust me on this one, it’s refreshing ;)

Here are some hands-on things that I am going to be doing to help me creatively in this season. Feel free to join me in whatever you think would be helpful to you!

I would like to post no more than 2 times a week on bookstagram (unless I want to). 

Keeping up with taking pictures, posting content, and replying to comments can be draining so I want to make sure I’m still active on my account but not exhausting myself while I do it. I love the community and platform I've been able to build on bookstagram so I want to be able to keep doing what I love but taking care of my own mental health as well. Posting twice a week will keep me active while still having fun!

I will sift through my physical TBR pile.

I have the unfortunate habits of a mood reader who loves to buy books. I have quite a few books in my "To Be Read" pile that I have inherited in some way or purchased that I don’t have an interest in reading anymore. I plan to either sell or donate the books I don’t want. Hopefully, this will help reading feel more like a relaxing hobby than a stressful job. This will also help me when I want to reread a favorite books without feeling guilty that I'm not reading something on my TBR.

I want to dive into my WIP at least once a week.

It’s not a lot but I think it’s what I can do right now. If I write more than that, YAY! If not, then I won’t feel like a failure in my own eyes. You’ll also notice that this goal doesn’t have a word count attached to it just an active working on my WIP in some way. This will keep me engaged and interested in my story whether it’s brainstorming, writing, or something else. This year, I wanted to write more consistently so I am looking forward to making time for my story.

I hope that these ideas were helpful to you! To all my writers and readers out there, please take care of yourself. Give yourself a break, some grace, and don't forget that you WIP and your TBR will wait patiently until you are ready to dive back in.

What do you do to help yourself when you find you creative well dry?

Until next time!

~ K.J. Haakenson


  1. I love this post. Thank you for sharing these ideas!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and reading! I hope the ideas were helpful! :)

  2. This was so encouraging to read! You basically do all the same things I do when I need a reset. Like almost exactly the same. I might add "look through Pinterest" in there occasionally as well, if I need some inspiration, but aside from that, it's nearly identical. I think I've found a kindred spirit here!

    1. Oh, I am so thankful that this was encouraging to you! <3 Yes Pinterest is AMAZING!! It really helps me hone in my creative vision and inspire me at the same time. Thank you for dropping by! :D


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